Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Millennials: The New Victorians

When I grew up, Victorian was a term of ridicule. It meant stuffy people who couldn't tolerate the least bit of earthy reality. Most emphatically in matters of romance, Victorians found the sight of a table leg too sensuous.* Exposing an ankle was the sign of a shameless flirt.

At best, it was said that the Victorians' inability to confront human sexuality was compensated by their ability to confront death. I came to expect that these were exaggerations by people who needed to feel better than their grandparents but the word Victorian stuck as a synonym for irrational prudery.

The twentieth century moved steadily away from that ideal. Matt Ridley says the twenty-first is moving back (minus the care for others, fortitude, courage and economic success.) Illiberality in ideas has taken over for years. Now it seems that illiberality in behavior is next.

*It's not true but it is a myth we commonly shared.

Friday, March 2, 2018


How to give a Miata more headroom and a better view through the window.