Lockheed Martin has caused a
buzz this week by
announcing* a nuclear
fusion project.
Nuclear fusion is, of course the ultimate energy source: clean, safe and inexhaustible. It produces no carbon dioxide or pollution. It can't explode and produces no nuclear bomb making materials. There are about a
thousand trillion tons of fuel, deuterium aka heavy hydrogen, available in the ocean.
Nuclear fusion looks like a sure thing at the multi-billion dollar
ITER project. Unfortunately it won't happen until 2030+ and will cost $15+ billion. The LM project promises to be smaller, cheaper and sooner. The thing is: LM's project looks less feasible than
General Fusion's. Their big advantage, as far as I see it is that Lockheed Martin can guarantee the funds to make the project happen while
General Fusion has to
beg for venture capital money. Making big announcements can be a strategy to dry up the
other guy's funding.